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Cobbs Hill Sugarhouse

945 North Road

Mount Vernon, ME 04352





FB: cobbshillsugarhouse



Traditional Syrups


From late February to mid-April, the team at Cobbs Hill Sugarhouse boils pure sap from some of the best-looking maple trees in Central Maine to create authentic maple syrup.  


New to the 2019 product line, we are pleased to introduce some incredible blends. Topping the list is our bourbon barrel-aged syrup. We put several gallons of dark syrup in a barrel last summer -- and will be bottling it soon. Now that will be something to try!



Maple/Birch Syrups

Many have discovered the powerful health benefits of birch tree sap and unique rich taste of birch syrup. We offer a blend -- where half of the sap comes from maple trees and the other half from birch trees. Many of our customers relish this dark, flavorful treat.



Infused Organic Blends

Why infused maple syrup? That's a great question -- and we get it all the time.  Pure maple syrup -- from some of the finest trees in the Maine woods -- is a true gift of nature. It is a unique taste, something we are very proud to create each spring. Those who have never tried pure Maine syrup are stunned by the richness.


Recently, we discovered that by carefully adding a few organic flavors we could create something even more spectacular. Is it possible to build on perfect? Just maybe.


A few of our customers hesitate when we offer a sample of one of our blends. The smiles on their face, the look in their eyes, when they have a taste says a thousand words. One customer said, "That's the best thing I've ever had in my mouth." An exaggeration?  Try for yourself.


Maple Vanilla Bean: We've painstakingly sorted through many of the vanilla beans on the market to match the best for our syrup. Imported from Madiscar, a big slice of these organic vanilla beans is found in every bottle. The outcome is smooth, flavourful, revealing.  


Maple Cinnamon Stick: By adding an organic cinnamon stick to every bottle, then pouring in 180-degree pure syrup, we've created a fun, vibrant flavor. The cinnamon is there, but it's not overwhelming. Awesome for pancakes, French toast, oatmeal.  


Bourbon Barrel Aged: Bourbon-aged products are popular, but the Cobbs Hill team takes extra steps to enhance the process. Many maple producers put their syrups in large barrels. We use "wet," smaller barrels (less than 15 gals) and let it soak for a long time. The outcome is a rich, full-bodied flavor that, as they say in Maine, "really gets your attention."  


Birch/Maple Blend: Believe it or not, you can create a rich, dark syrup from birch trees -- and given the health benefits of birch sap, a lot of folks are paying attention to our new blend. Pure birch syrup is a bit heavy, however, so we're merging it with our maple syrup into what we're calling Civil Union. Great for the morning, but also perfect for marinades, barbeques, salad dressings, and seafood. If you want to impress friends with a new, robust flavor, try a bottle of our Civil Union.


New Infusions In the Mix: The team at Cobbs is constantly searching out new infusions to accentuate the powerful flavors of our maple syrups. Stay tuned -- especially as the holiday seasons unfold. Maple and peppermint?



See us at this year's Sugarloaf Art Show:

Sugarloaf Mountain

Carrabassett Valley, Maine

October 12th and 13th


Contact us for sales information.


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