Hugh Verrier
PO Box 132
Eustis, ME 04936
Verrier, a Maine painter and sculptor for over 45 years, exhibits his life-long love of the sea through his focus on water birds.
Much of his artwork is inspired by living on the coast of Maine, working as a tugboat captain and later fishing on a commercial dragger.
Working with various tools and media, Hugh has created watercolors, oils, sculptures and dimensional work with wood, stone, sand and paper.
The birds and fish are unique to the art world because they are a combination of watercolor painting and sculpture.
Hugh combines both arts into the creation of birds by forming very heavy French paper into wings, beaks and elegant bodies, then bringing them to life with watercolors. The fish are carefully crafted to mimic the actual catch of fishermen friends. The results are paintings that are life-like, light-weight, and archival.