My name is Kylee Jackson-Reeve, I’m 20 years old and I’m a Fashion Design major.
I live in Jay, Maine, and I take a lot of inspiration for my work in the traveling that I’ve done.
I think my favorite adventure so far was in Ireland where I felt a deep connection with the country that my family originally migrated from.
I would just like to start by saying thank you to the UpCountry Artists for this
scholarship. This scholarship has not only helped me pay for necessary school
supplies it has also helped me to start my own website where I sell my designs.
As a Fashion Design student, buying materials for my classes can get expensive
but this scholarship has helped alleviate the financial stress.
Recently, I’ve opened my own website, KJR Designs, where I’m now making and selling my own designs. Each product is handmade to order by yours truly. I’ve always
aspired to have my own business someday and this scholarship is helping to
jumpstart that dream! I would not have been able to open my site without the
scholarship from UpCountry Artists.
Thank you
Kylee Jackson-Reeve
Shown is my piece titled “Travel”, which is a jacket I made inspired by my trip to Ireland, with a laser etched collage of pictures I took while there.
My love of travel and my love of fashion and sewing definitely go hand in hand.
UpCountry Artists is delighted to help Kylee continue her studies at The Maine College of Art with one of our $1,500 scholarships this year. You can say hello and congratulations to her at the information booth at this year's Sugarloaf Homecoming Show in October..
Cheers Kylie! It's wonderful to see young artists developing their craft!