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Next UCA Meeting - 6/7/19 + Agenda

Writer's picture: UpCountry ArtistsUpCountry Artists

All UCA members are welcome at the next UCA Members Meeting, Friday, June 7 @ Kathleen Perelka’s Studio/Gallery, Canaan. The meeting will be followed by a workshop hosted by Kathy.

Workshop Topic: Making your own pastels. Limited to 5 participants. Fee $25. Each participant will make a set of at least 10 handmade pastels. RSVP

Meeting schedule is as follows:

10-10:30 - Board members only

10:30-11:30 - Open meeting on agenda items (Please email proposed agenda items ahead.)

11:30-12 - Brown bag lunch

12 Noon - Workshop


10 AM at Kathy Perelka’s

242 Pinnacle Road,



Board Members:

Jean Benson, Secretary

Paula Wade, treasurer

Karen Campbell-Vice President

Kathleen Perelka-President

Claudia Diller, Wendy Rosenthal, Peggy Gallant, Joe Gambino, Christy Whitmore

Members at Large: Nora West, Marcia Baker, Joe Ray

Mission Statement-To encourage, support, and develop visual, literary and performing arts, artists and public art awareness, primarily through education, in inland, central and western Maine.

Minutes from last meeting - read and approve

Set next meeting time and place.

Treasurer’s report - Paula Wade

Proposed Budget-approval

Committee Reports

Marketing and Advertising - Claudia Diller

Website and social media - Christy Whitmore

Artists on site, instagram, the map

Scholarships - Kathleen Perelka

Newsletter update - Jean Benson

The Sugarloaf show - Karen Campbell

Meeting open to all 10:30

Going forward-new ideas?


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