My love of clay began when I lived in Georgia and simultaneously did my graduate work in the salt marsh (lots of really stinky clay there!) and took an adult-ed course in pottery. My husband made me a potter’s wheel then, but as I had no kiln availability, I moved it around the country with me, but really didn’t get the chance to use it for almost 40 years, until I moved to Kingfield. I currently work out of my home, so don’t have a formal studio, but am always happy to share the process with interested folks.
Both of my parents were hobby artists and I always wondered why the art missed me, until I found clay, which is my sole medium. I am a potter by nature, but add clay sculpture as the direction in which I wish to grow.
Today I use the lessons then learned to fabricate my pottery. My delight is in making a beautiful form that is also useful. My favorite pieces, thus include the large platter that is the table centerpiece or the vase that is equally handsome with or without flowers to the mug that becomes the favorite companion through the day’s work or the lowly colander that brings art into the kitchen.
Most of my work is unique as I do not repeat a given motif. All is stoneware, chosen for its durability. Many of the glazes I use reflect the sparkle and shine of the Carrabassett River, which my studio overlooks, or the subtle colors that I find in the rocks and plants of the north Maine woods.
Special Orders: (207) 356-8065 or carrabassettclayworks@aol.com
2019 Shows:
Carrabassett Valley Summer Festival
first Saturday in August
@ KCs Kreativity Center,
1004 Old Huse Mill Road, Carrbassett Valley
UpCountry Artists Sugarloaf Homecoming Show
Columbus Day weekend in October at Sugarloaf Mountain
Caarrabassett Valley
245 Main St, Kingfield, Maine
Special Orders upon request